Home > Accounting, API General, Refunds, Retail/Merchandise > SWS GetRetailRefundAmount Method

SWS GetRetailRefundAmount Method

Retrieves a sum total refund amount for multiple retail item types and quantities.


Name DataType Is Required
ReturnRetailData ReturnRetailItem Required
Description The object containing the details about the retail item/s being returned. Create a collection for each RetailObjectID being returned.
SiteID Long Required
Description The site’s ID number. This can be found using the GetSiteList method.
TransactionID Long Required
Description The transaction’s ID number. Transaction IDs are system generated for each payment transaction that occurs in the system. If there is no transaction ID the transaction failed. The transaction ID is returned when any MakePayment method is used.

Returned Parameters

Name DataType
TotalRefundAmount Decimal
Description The refund amount is automatically calculated by the Store application, based on the refund rules for the site.


As with every method we need to pass in credentials. We do this with the LookupUser request object.

We’ll assume you’ve got a web reference, let’s name it SWS, in your Visual Studio project.  At this point we need to our objects.  We’ll need the standard service object, a GetRetailRefundAmount request object and a GetRetailRefundAmount response object.  You will also need a ReturnRetailItem(s) object to indicate which item you are returning. We can define and create those like this:

// Create a request and response objects
SWS.WSSoapClient service = new SWS.WSSoapClient();
SWS.GetRetailRefundAmount_Request request = new SWS.GetRetailRefundAmount_Request();
SWS.GetRetailRefundAmount_Response response;

SWS.ReturnRetailItem item = new SWS.ReturnRetailItem();

Here’s my sample code of the Request object.

// GetRetailRefundAmount Request
item.RetailObjectID = 123456;
item.Quantity = 1;
item.ReturnReason = SWS.RetailReturnReasons.DEFECTIVE_DESTROY;

request.SiteID = 123456;
request.TransactionID = 123456;
request.ReturnRetailData = new SWS.ReturnRetailItem[] { item };

Finally we can call the method and pass across the login object and the request object to get our retail refund amount. It’s a good idea to do this in a Try Catch block.

// Call the method that will load the response object
  response = service.GetRetailRefundAmount(user_request, request);
catch (Exception ex)

Note that if something goes wrong the service will respond with an exception. You’ll want to take a look at that message returned in that exception so it can be debugged.

For a full list of methods see SWS Methods.

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