
Posts Tagged ‘Accounts’

SWS eUnitClass Method

Returns the site’s available rental revenue classes for a given site along with each unit type in that class.


Name DataType Is Required
SiteID Long Required
Description The site’s ID number. This can be found using the GetSiteList method.

Returned Parameters

Name DataType
Description The site’s revenue class category.
Description The object details of a non-occupiable rental unit. (I.E., mailboxes.)
Description The object details of an occupiable rental unit.
Description The textual description of the site’s revenue class.
Description The numeric value for the site’s revenue class type.
ICON String
Description The URL for the site revenue class icon that displays in the Store application.
Description The site’s revenue class ID number that describes the general rules for the site.
Description The site’s ID number.


We will assume you have a web reference, let us name it SWS, in your Visual Studio project. At this point we need to define our objects.  We will need the standard service object and a eUnitClass response object. We can define and create those like this:Example

// Create request and response objects
SWS.WSSoapClient service = new SWS.WSSoapClient();
SWS.SITE_CLASSES[] response;

Finally we can call the method and pass in the site ID to retrieve our requested information. It’s a good idea to do this in a Try Catch block.

// Call the method that will load the response object
  response = service.eUnitClass(123456);
catch (Exception ex)

Note that if something goes wrong the service will respond with an exception. You will want to capture the message in the exception so it can be debugged.

For a full list of methods see SWS Methods.

SWS CreateNotes Method

April 29, 2011 Leave a comment

Creates a note for an account and can refer to a specific rental item. Returns the note’s ID number.


Name DataType Is Required
AccountID Long Required
Description The account’s ID number. This is returned when you use the CreateNewAccount method or can be retrieved with the SearchBy method.
Expires DateTime Optional
Description The date the note will expire and no longer be available to view in the application. Default is “Null”. If “Null” and the note is flagged as “Priority”, the default is 2 days from the date of creation. If the note is NOT “Priority” and no expiration date is provided, the note never expires.
HighPriority Boolean Optional
Description Flags the note as a priority (“True”) or not (“False”). Default is “False”.
Note String Required
Description The text of the notes to be added. Max string length of 2500.
RentalID Long Optional
Description The rental item’s ID number. If the note needs to apply to a specific rental on the account, the rental ID of that rental is required. This is returned when using the MakeReservation method or can be searched for using the SearchBy method.
Subject String Required
Description The account notes subject line. Max string length is 30.

Returned Parameters

Name DataType
NoteID Long
Description The account note’s system ID number.


As with every method we need to pass in credentials. We do this with the LookupUser request object.

We’ll assume you’ve got a web reference, let’s name it SWS, in your Visual Studio project.  At this point we need to our objects.  We’ll need the standard service object, a CreateNotes request object and a CreateNotes response object. We can define and create those like this:

// Create request and response objects
SWS.WSSoapClient service = new SWS.WSSoapClient();
SWS.CreateNotes_Request request = new SWS.CreateNotes_Request();
SWS.CreateNotes_Response response;

Here’s my sample code of the Request object.

// note request
request.Subject = "Test Note";
request.Note = "Thies is a test note.  Please ignore.";
request.HighPriority = false;
request.AccountID = 123456;

Finally we can call the method and pass across the login object and the request object to create our notes. It’s a good idea to do this in a Try Catch block.

// Call the method that will load the response object
  response = service.CreateNotes(user_request, request);
catch (Exception ex)

Note that if something goes wrong the service will respond with an exception. You’ll want to take a look at that message returned in that exception so it can be debugged.

For a full list of methods see SWS Methods.

Categories: API General, Notes Tags: ,